Legal Services

Commercial Property Law Services
Draft and negotiate third-party vendor agreements, including those pertaining to construction and utility services.​​​
Draft and negotiate tenancy agreements.
Resolve landlord-tenant disputes.
Draft and enforce personal guaranty and surety agreements.​
Address permitting and municipal compliance issues, including utility services and building requirements.
Analyze and enforce rights under equipment warranties.
Support property insurance claims on behalf of the insured.
Provide litigation support to property and portfolio managers.
Cyber Law Services
Draft and negotiate technology vendor agreements to prevent regulatory violations of protected data and maintain network integrity (includes software development and managed security service providers).
Draft cyber incident response polices, and incident prevention procedures and policies - both administrative and technological.
Provide legal compliance reviews for state and federal privacy and cybersecurity requirements; third-party risk management; and integration of artificial intelligence products.
Draft privacy policies, cookie policies, biometric information private policies, third-party risk management programs, and end user licensing agreements.
Review insurance policies and provide support in procuring new policies and seeking benefits under existing policies during and after cyber incidents.
Support and/or manage cyber incident responses.
Design and conduct cyber law training for c-suite executives and technology departments on emerging issues and legislation to mitigate risk and ensure legal compliance.
Provide cybersecurity law litigation support and/or litigation consultation.
Support CTOs, CISOs, CLOs, COOs, and CIOs.​​​